Natalie Dang


I am studying for a B.A. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2025.

Interests: Cyber Security, 3D Graphics


SCI-MI 2017



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School 2017

Highschool Project."

Lisp GitHub

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School 2017

Church Project.

Lisp GitHub

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Smart Goals

27 Aug 2024

1.Time Management By activating the "Do Not Disturb" mode on my phone, I've discovered a hidden strategy for increasing my concentration during study time. With each passing day spent dedicated to understanding new concepts and mastering skills, I sense a...


Unveiling the Art and Magic

08 May 2024

Designing Fun and Flawless Experiences In this class, I’ve gained valuable insights. UI design is all about the art of crafting digital interfaces that not only catch the eye but also make life easier for users across a range of...


Empowering Digital Interfaces

22 May 2024

Releasing Digital Superheroes Design patterns are the superheroes of the coding world. They swoop in when you’re combatting common problems like how to structure your code for adaptability or how to keep things organized without going crazy. Consider employing the...


The Power of AI

07 May 2024

I. Introduction AI is becoming increasingly integrated into education, and within the domain of Software Engineering, serving as both a mentor and a driver of innovation. In the ICS 314 course, I’ve used ChatGPT to assist me in identifying issues...


Unlocking the Power of UI Frameworks

21 Feb 2024

Standing on the edge of the digital world with just your smarts and a clean slate of code, the task in front seems huge-making something amazing that people love, breaks barriers, and lasts forever.In this maze of ones and zeros,...


Unveiling the Power and Purpose of Coding Standards

07 Feb 2024

Coding standards provide a framework of guidelines to ensure consistency and structure in programming code. They enclose a variety of aspects, including naming conventions, indentation styles, commenting practices, and much more. While it might seem that focusing on such details...


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