Smart Goals

27 Aug 2024

1.Time Management

By activating the "Do Not Disturb" mode on my phone, I've discovered a hidden strategy for increasing my concentration during study time. With each passing day spent dedicated to understanding new concepts and mastering skills, I sense a shift in my character. It's as if the act of learning itself is sculpting me into a more responsible and disciplined individual. With each work I grasp feels like a step forward on the journey towards self-improvement. I will achieve this goal within the next month, allowing enough time to establish a consistent habit of using the "Do Not Disturb" mode and refining my time management practices to see tangible results in my studies and overall productivity.

2. Job Hunting

I will accomplish the goal of securing a data analyst position within the tech industry before my graduation. I will know I have reached this goal when I have received and accepted a job offer for a full-time data analyst role. Reaching this goal is possible with hard work and dedication. I have the tools I need, such as what I've learned in this software development class, my skills in data analysis tools like Python and SQL, and access to job search sites like LinkedIn and Indeed. If I encounter gaps in my skills or resources, I will seek additional online courses, attend workshops, and engage in networking to bridge those gaps. This goal is highly significant to my life, as it represents the transition from student to professional, allowing me to apply what I've learned in class to real-world challenges and begin building a career in a field I'm passionate about. I will achieve this goal by the time I graduate, ensuring that I am fully prepared to enter the workforce immediately after completing my studies.


Being able to carefully document my expenses has proven to be a revelation in more ways than one. Through the simple act of recording every purchase, I've gained a newfound insight into my spending habits.It's similar to using a magnifying glass to see all the little details in my money situation.This newfound awareness has empowered me to make more informed decisions about where my money goes, helping me to prioritize and allocate resources more effectively. This goal is significant to my life because financial stability is crucial for reducing stress and ensuring long-term security. By mastering budgeting, I am setting the foundation for better financial management, which will support my personal goals, such as saving for future needs or investments. This process also teaches discipline and responsibility, which are valuable skills in all areas of life, including this class. I will achieve this goal before the year ends, allowing me to establish a solid budgeting habit and see the impact of my efforts in terms of improved financial management and reduced unnecessary expenses.